Pengaruh Kualitas Produk terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen dengan Kepuasan Konsumen sebagai Variabel Intervening pada Resto Ayam Remuk Pak Tisto Teras Kayu SM Amin Pekanbaru

Ayu Harnaova, Mashur Fadli


This research aims to determine the influence of product quality on consumer loyalty, with consumer satisfaction as an intervening variable at Resto Ayam Remuk Pak Tisto By Teras Kayu SM Amin Pekanbaru. The method used in this research is descriptive and quantitative statistics. The sample size for this research consists of 100 respondents selected using purposive sampling technique. The measurement scale used is the Likert scale. From the data analysis using measurement models, structural models, and hypothesis testing, using SmartPLS3 software, the results show that product quality has a significant direct impact on consumer loyalty. Product quality also has a significant direct impact on consumer satisfaction. Consumer satisfaction has a significant direct impact on consumer loyalty. There is a significant indirect effect of product quality on consumer loyalty through consumer satisfaction.


Product Quality, Consumer Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction.

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