Komunikasi Pemasaran Wedding Organizer Na’im Walimah Syar’i dalam Membentuk Brand Image di Pekanbaru

Cevin Wijaya, Ringgo Yozani


Na'im Walimah Syar'i is a Wedding Organizer service provider located in Pekanbaru City and has been established since 2019. Having a different concept from the general in the field of Wedding organizer services is certainly a challenge for Na'im Walimah Syar'i in marketing his services in Pekanbaru City, especially the stigma of the community considers that Salaf adherents who often use this concept, this is a brand image problem for Na'im, thus making Na'im have to be aggressive in carrying out marketing communication activities. Na'im Walimah Syar'i communicates his services to the community by applying the concept of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC). The purpose of this study is to analyze the form of implementation of IMC elements carried out by Na'im Walimah Syar'i in forming Brand Image in Pekanbaru society.This research uses qualitative methods. This research was conducted on Jl. Bugenfil, Griya Bumi Utama Complex, Kel. Air Dingin, Kec Bukit Raya, Pekanbaru City, Riau. The selection of informants is carried out by purposive techniques. Using data collection techniques through conservation, interviews, and documentation. To test the validity of the data, researchers used extended participation and triangulation. The results of this study show that Na'im Walimah Syar'i facilitates the use of several IMC marketing elements in the means of forming brand awareness and brand image in Pekanbaru City. Na'im Walimah Syar'i uses five elements of IMC, namely word of mouth, social media marketing, sales promotion, event marketing, personal selling. Among these five elements, social media is the most prominently active, because ranging from testimonials, promotions, video posts, photos, na'im event activities, etc. are often shared on Instagram. Overall, the IMC carried out by Na'im Walimah Syar'i can be said to be quite good. Where the brand awareness is well known to the people of Pekanbaru and the image as a wedding service provider is quite good in the eyes of consumers who have used it.Na'im Walimah Syar'i is a Wedding Organizer service provider located in Pekanbaru City and has been established since 2019. Having a different concept from the general in the field of Wedding organizer services is certainly a challenge for Na'im Walimah Syar'i in marketing his services in Pekanbaru City, especially the stigma of the community considers that Salaf adherents who often use this concept, this is a brand image problem for Na'im, thus making Na'im have to be aggressive in carrying out marketing communication activities. Na'im Walimah Syar'i communicates his services to the community by applying the concept of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC). The purpose of this study is to analyze the form of implementation of IMC elements carried out by Na'im Walimah Syar'i in forming Brand Image in Pekanbaru society.This research uses qualitative methods. This research was conducted on Jl. Bugenfil, Griya Bumi Utama Complex, Kel. Air Dingin, Kec Bukit Raya, Pekanbaru City, Riau. The selection of informants is carried out by purposive techniques. Using data collection techniques through conservation, interviews, and documentation. To test the validity of the data, researchers used extended participation and triangulation.The results of this study show that Na'im Walimah Syar'i facilitates the use of several IMC marketing elements in the means of forming brand awareness and brand image in Pekanbaru City. Na'im Walimah Syar'i uses five elements of IMC, namely word of mouth, social media marketing, sales promotion, event marketing, personal selling. Among these five elements, social media is the most prominently active, because ranging from testimonials, promotions, video posts, photos, na'im event activities, etc. are often shared on Instagram. Overall, the IMC carried out by Na'im Walimah Syar'i can be said to be quite good. Where the brand awareness is well known to the people of Pekanbaru and the image as a wedding service provider is quite good in the eyes of consumers who have used it


Marketing Communication, Brand Image

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31258/jab.22.1.1-10


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