Kasmiruddin Kasmiruddin


Hospital business in Pekanbaru shows competitive and more complex business situation. The growing
number of hospitals continues to increase increasingly competitive and each businessperson tries to
increase the superiority in order to win the business competition of the hospital. Competitive advantage
can be created through improving the quality of human resources more sensitive and responsive to the
needs of patient customers. RSIA Eria Bunda wants the growth and development of OCB (Organization
Citizenship Behavior) behavior on nurses. This study aims to prove whether there is influence of
transformational leadership and work loyalty to the behavior of OCB Nurse RSIA Eria Bunda
Pekanbaru. Number of respondents research 51 nurses at RSIA Eria Bunda. From the result of
statistical test (t test) on hypothesis I, it can be concluded that there is influence of transformational
leadership toward OCB nurse behavior, that is, the more accurate the application of transformational
leadership, the more it grows and the OCB behavior is created among the nurses. Proof of hypothesis
I is supported by previous research. Hypothesis II also proved that there is influence of work loyalty
to behavior of nurse OCB, meaning the higher worker nurse loyality hence growing and created
behavior of OCB nurse at RSIA Eria Bunda. The proving of hypothesis I is also supported by previous
research. Testing of hypothesis III shows there is influence of transformational leadership and work
loyalty simultaneously to behavior of OCB nurse at RSIA Eria Bunda. To increase the contribution of
varieties of transformational leadership towards OCB behavior, it is expected that the leadership of
RSIA Eria Bunda more direct the attitude of giving inspiration to the nurse encouragement to grow
self-confidence and communication among nurses. The contribution of loyalitas of work to the behavior
of OCB can be increased through the increase of nurse compliance to hospital regulations.


Transformational leadership, work loyalty, OCB behavior, hospital nurse.

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